sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2012

Africa Human Development Report 2012


Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network (AAKNet)

Information Portal will Make Available Research, Experiences
and Lessons Learned from Projects Across the Continent.
 (UNEP - 6.12.2012)

About AAKNet


«All global reports put Sub Saharan Africa at the frontline of climate change impacts for a region that lacks the capacity and resources to face the challenges. Not only is climate change complicating national development planning, but also overturning previous development efforts and constricting human survival opportunities as the impacts are already being felt. New climate related risks are adding to the existing challenges of tackling poverty and promoting human development which cannot be resolved without tackling the other. Decisive action on climate change and building capacity for adaptation are therefore key priorities for sustainable development in Africa.
Adaptation, being a knowledge intensive undertaking, needs information and knowledge that span the interlinked stages of adaptation actions from climate change impact assessment and vulnerability analysis, through policy making and planning, to piloting, demonstrating, and full scale implementation. The challenge here is that, while much knowledge needed for successful implementation of the various stages of adaptation already exists, it’s often very scattered, difficult to access, and not in a user-friendly format. In particular, due to the fragmentation of knowledge under different disciplines, knowledge in a packaged and ready-to-use form, integrating the different stages of adaptation, is rarely available.
It is these challenges that the Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network seeks to address, through harnessing and channeling knowledge in a structured and useable way to ensure it serve strategic planning processes in addressing short-medium and long term adaptation needs at regional, national and sub national level.


Harnessing knowledge for strategic planning processes is an important milestone for reducing climate risks faced by communities. AAKNet is a platform aimed at building a shared knowledge base intended to help build an innovative community of practice which enhances adaptive actions through sharing lessons, knowledge and information in adaptation. The platform functions as a knowledge hub on adaptation, promoting cooperation and collaboration in seeking robust solutions to climate change impacts using experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation of independent actions in different locations. Practitioners, policy makers, researchers and community members will be brought together through this so as to compare, contrast and collate the lessons learnt from their actions addressing climate risks. The Network will allow the various actors to collaborate and complement each other in concretizing and up-scaling solutions to a common problem.»

La modernidade ignorada. Arquitectura Moderna de Luanda

Roberto Goycoolea Prado; Paz Nunez Martí (2012). La modernidade ignorada. Arquitectura Moderna de Luanda. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá, 251 pp.

Nos Trópicos Sem Le Corbusier

Ana Vaz Milheiro (2012). Nos Trópicos Sem Le Corbusier. Arquitectura luso-africana no Estado Novo. Relógio de Água (Prefácio: Walter Rossa)

Guiné-Bissau 2011

Ana Vaz Milheiro (2012). 2011 Guiné-Bissau. Porto: Circo de Ideias, 51 pp.
«The Africa Bibliography is an authoritative guide to works in African studies published under the auspices of the International African Institute annually since 1984. This online consolidated version brings together every record collected since the bibliography’s foundation, producing a rich and interactive resource for all scholars interested in the study of Africa.»

terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2012

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) - acesso livre na B-ON

Acesso livre (texto integral) na B-ON
Está ativo um trial para todos os membros b-on até ao dia 15 de Dezembro.

domingo, 4 de novembro de 2012

Mining and Urbanisation in Africa: Population, Settlement and Welfare

Special Issue: Mining and Urbanisation in Africa: Population, Settlement and Welfare
Article (Angola):
Mining towns in Angola have followed a different growth trajectory from urban agglomerations elsewhere on the continent. Colonial mining cities were treated as regional strategic locations mainly under the direction of mining companies, with an orientation towards natural and human resources management and planned urbanisation. As Angola became engulfed in civil war after independence in 1975, urban planning and control fell into disarray, which led to rapid and unplanned urban growth as rural populations fled the insecurity of the countryside. In the provinces of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul, where diamond mining dominates economic activity, new ‘unplanned’ clandestine towns appeared during the civil war. Since the advent of peace in 2002 and the cessation of war-induced urbanisation, Lundas' towns have resumed their status of government and mining company-dominated settlements, where control and planning prevail. However, improved infrastructural conditions prevail alongside new forms of social and economic exclusion. This article traces urban growth and welfare in Lunda, analysing the impact of its divergent growth pattern on the urban population.
(Acesso livre /texto integral na B-ON)

sábado, 3 de novembro de 2012

The Ruins of Apartheid and the Future of Research in South Africa

Social Dynamics, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2012

Special section entitled "The Ruins of Apartheid and the Future of Research in South Africa"

18 articles in open access until the end 2012:


domingo, 28 de outubro de 2012

ANGOLA: 60 novos municípios podem ser criados

«Uma equipa técnica do Ministério da Administração do Território reuniu-se na Baía Farta com as autoridades administrativas, com quem analisou a hipótese da comuna do Dombe Grande ser desanexada e passar a município. O director nacional da organização do território do Ministério da Administração do Território, que chefiou a equipa, lembrou que a elevação de algumas localidades à categoria de municípios implica uma revisão da divisão política administrativa, fixando novos limites territoriais, com base nas realidades de cada região. Correia Caetano revelou que a comuna da Canjala, Lobito, também pode vir a ser promovida a município. O número de novos municípios, referiu, depende da conclusão dos trabalhos que estão a ser realizados em várias localidades do país.
A mesma equipa do Ministério da Administração do Território já trabalhou nas províncias do Namibe e Huambo. Nos próximos tempos, admitiu Correia Caetano à agência de notícias Angop, devem surgir mais de 60 municípios que vão ajudar a desenvolver as comunidades. O Ministério da Administração do Território promoveu a divisão administrativa das províncias de Luanda e do Bengo, cuja Lei foi aprovada pelos deputados à Assembleia Nacional na legislatura passada. Neste processo administrativo, Luanda ficou sem a localidade do Panguila e absorveu os municípios de Quiçama e do Icolo e Bengo.» (Fonte: Jornal de Angola, 28.10.2012)

segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012

Africa Portal

«The Africa Portal is an online knowledge resource for policy-related issues on Africa. An undertaking by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), the Africa Portal offers open access to a suite of features including an online library collection; a resource for opinion and analysis; an experts directory; an international events calendar; and a mobile technology component — all aimed to equip users with research and information on Africa’s current policy issues. A key feature to the Africa Portal is the online library collection holding over 5,000 books, journals, and digital documents related to African policy issues. The entire online repository is open access and available for free full-text download. A portion of the digital documents housed in the library have been digitized for the first time as an undertaking of the Africa Portal project. Facilitating new digitization projects is a core feature of the Africa Portal, which aims to improve access and visibility for African research. The Africa Portal is part of the Africa Initiative project. Download the Africa Portal Brochure Africa Initiative The Africa Initiative (AI) is a multi-year, donor-supported program, with three components: a research program, an exchange program, and an online portal. An undertaking led by The Centre for Governance Innovation, the Africa Initiative aims to contribute to the deepening of Africa’s capacity and knowledge in five thematic areas—conflict resolution, energy, food security, health, and migration, with special attention to the cross-cutting issue of climate change. By incorporating field-based research, strategic partnerships, and online collaboration, the Africa Initiative is undertaking a truly interdisciplinary and multi-institutional approach to Africa’s governance challenges. Work on the core areas of the initiative focus on supporting innovative research and researchers, and developing policy recommendations as they relate to the program’s core thematic areas. »

domingo, 14 de outubro de 2012

The State of the World’s Cities 2012/2013: The Prosperity of Cities (UN-HABITAT)

The State of the World’s Cities 2012/2013: The Prosperity of Cities
(UN-HABITAT, Sep.. 2012)


Development actors need to explore a more inclusive notion of prosperity and development, finds new UN-Habitat report The State of the World’s Cities 2012/2013: The Prosperity of Cities.
According to the report, there is a need for a shift in attention around the world in favour of a
MORE ROBUST NOTION OF DEVELOPMENT – one that looks beyond the narrow domain of economic growth that has dominated ill-balanced policy agendas over the last decades, and includes other vital dimensions such as quality of life, adequate infrastructures, equity and environmental sustainability.
"In this Report, UN-Habitat advocates for a new type of city – the city of the 21st century – that is a „good‟, people-centred city," said Dr Joan Clos, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN-Habitat. "The cities of the future should be ones that are capable of integrating the tangible and more intangible aspects of prosperity, in the process shedding off the inefficient, unsustainable forms and functionalities of the city of the previous century or so and becoming the engine rooms of growth and development."
 Reduces disaster risks and vulnerabilities for the poor and build resilience to adverse forces of nature.
 Creates harmony between the five dimensions of prosperity and enhances the prospects for a better future.
 Stimulates local job creation, promotes social diversity, maintains a sustainable environment and recognizes the importance of public spaces.
 Comes with a change of pace, profile and urban functions and provides the social, political and economic conditions of prosperity.

Joburg GDS 2040 Strategy _ "Johannesburg – a World Class African City of the Future"



«We've developed a growth and development strategy to take us into 2040. It is a strategy that not only provides a vision of the future, but importantly, defines clear outcomes against which to measure progress.

The GDS (Growth-Development-Strategy) outreach process has been of great importance in building a collective and shared vision for the future of Johannesburg. In the process, we have all managed to express our concerns, fears, hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future city of Johannesburg – with these reflected as points of common agreement within this GDS itself. We all want to live in a great city – a city that inspires everyone to achieve more than is immediately possible.

These aspirations are expressed in the vision developed from the outreach process – a vision the City chooses to adopt for the path ahead: "Johannesburg – a World Class African City of the Future – a vibrant, equitable African city, strengthened through its diversity; a city that provides real quality of life; a city that provides sustainability for all its citizens; a resilient and adaptive society."»

Un modèle francophone pour les projets d'eau et d'assainissement


Urban youth and post-conflict Africa: On policy priorities

Urban youth and post-conflict Africa: On policy priorities

Utas, Mats
The Nordic Africa Institute, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation

Urban Resilience in Situations of Chronic Violence Case Study of Kigali, Rwanda

Moncef Kartas and Oliver Jütersonke

Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP)
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Technology and Cities: What Type of Development Is Appropriate for Cities of the South?

Technology and Cities: What Type of Development Is Appropriate for Cities of the South?

Jean-Claude Bolay and Abigaıl Kern

African Yearbook of Rhetoric

The African Yearbook of Rhetoric (ISSN: 2220-2188) is a multi-lingual, peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the development of rhetoric studies on, and in Africa. Some special issues are released under the imprint of The Elephant and the Obelisk.  From October 2012 the Yearbook is freely accessible on this site.  The copyright to all materials is held by AfricaRhetoric Publishing and downloads made for public usage must be acknowledged.

List of Volumes

Vol. 1, Gender Rhetoric: North-South, September 2010.

Vol. 2, 1, Rhetorics of justice in post-societies, July 2011.

Vol. 2, 2 Under the Baobab. To Honour Stuart Saunders on his Eightieth Birthday, under the imprint of The Elephant and the Obelisk, August 2011.

Vol. 2, 3, The Great Liberation Speeches of Africa, December 2011.

Vol. 3, 1, Surveillance/Rhetorics, March 2012.

 Vol. 3, 2, New Beginnings: Argentina and South Africa, June 2012.

 Vol. 3, 3, Diplomatic Rhetoric in the South, November 2012.

Vol. 4, 1, Rhetoric of Statecraft in Africa, March 2013

Vol.2, no.3, 2011, - "Great Speeches of Africa's Liberation" includes articles on Eduardo Mondlane and Samora Machel.


«The Urban Portal ( is an online gateway to the latest research, events, and resources in urban social science. With a particular focus on urban research at the University of Chicago and efforts to translate that research for broader audiences, the Urban Portal highlights the urban scholarship of University of Chicago faculty and the many research units on campus. The Urban Portal also contains a current list of workshops and events at the University of Chicago.
To help connect scholars to urban research occurring in other settings, the Urban Portal offers a robust array of tools to assist researchers and students, including a comprehensive list of urban-related datasets; constantly updated reports on new and noteworthy developments in urban research or policy; links to journals; details about conference events worldwide; and other resources of interest to scholars, journalists, and policy makers. The Portal is a core project of the University of Chicago Urban Network, an emerging community of scholars and others that aims to spur innovation in the study of urban processes and to encourage interdisciplinary discourse in urban research, theory, and policy.»

sábado, 29 de setembro de 2012

Ciência Regional em Cabo Verde - Desenvolvimento e Planeamento

Jorge Sousa Brito (Org.) (2011). Ciência Regional em Cabo Verde - Desenvolvimento e Planeamento. I Congresso de Ciência Regional de Cabo Verde. Cascais: Princípia Editora, 223pp. (ISBN: 978-989-8131-83-6)

terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012

The Journal of the Middle East and Africa


The Journal of the Middle East and Africa offers free access to Libya,Social Origins of Dictatorship, and the Challenge for Democracy by AliAbdullatif Ahmida, from Volume 3, Issue 1. This article is available to download for FREE until December 31, 2012.

The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, the flagship publication of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), is the first peer-reviewed academic journal to include both the entire continent of Africa and the Middle East within its purview—exploring the historic social, economic, and political links between these two regions, as well as the modern challenges they face.

Resultados das Eleições Gerais de 31 de Agosto de 2012


terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2012

Solar Power Africa 2012

27 - 30 August, 2012, Southern Sun Newlands, Cape Town, South Africa

Green Cities: Promoting the NMT Agenda


The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) established and officially launched the National
Greening Programme on 18 May 2010 in Sandton, Johannesburg. In addition to key thematic areas such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management, biodiversity management, sustainable tourism, the programme also focuses on non-motorised transport (NMT). A strategic element of this Programme is the implementation of demonstration NMT projects in Polokwane, Johannesburg and Durban.

The outcome of the NMT Programme is to assist in developing integrated, environmentally friendly and energy efficient transport systems in South Africa – contributing to inclusive, safe, clean and low-cost transportation.

The Department of Environmental Affairs in partnership with KfW – German Development Bank
02 - 03 August 2012
Gallagher Estate, Midrand
South Africa

segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2012

Olympics 2012 – Megaevents virtual issue

Olympics 2012 – Megaevents virtual issue

This very topical virtual theme draws papers from the Environment and Planning series of journals, including Society and Space. It begins with a newly written editorial by Francisco Klauser. The papers are open access.

Editorial: Sport megaevents and the city
Francisco R Klauser

The impact of the World Student Games on Sheffield
P Foley

The professionalisation of urban cultural policies in France: the case of festivals
E Négrier

Civic boosterism in the politics of local economic development — ‘institutional positions’ and ‘strategic orientations’ in the consumption of hallmark events
M Boyle

The World Cup and the national Thing on Commercial Drive, Vancouver
Paul Kingsbury

Vancouver’s promise of the world’s first sustainable Olympic Games
Meg Holden, Julia MacKenzie, Robert VanWynsberghe

Splintering spheres of security: Peter Sloterdijk and the contemporary fortress city
Francisco R Klauser

Development plans versus conservation: explanation of emergent conflicts and state political handling
Evangelia Apostolopoulou, John D Pantis

International urban festivals as a catalyst for governance capacity building
Paul Benneworth, Hugh Dauncey

State dirigisme in megaprojects: governing the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
Martin Müller

Pre-Olympic and post-Olympic Barcelona, a ‘model’ for urban regeneration today?
Maria-Dolors Garcia-Ramon, Abel Albet

domingo, 29 de julho de 2012

Novo acordo de cooperação entre a União Europeia e Angola

«A União Europeia e Angola assinaram, em 23.07.2012, um novo acordo de cooperação intitulado "Caminho Conjunto Angola – União Europeia". O acordo visa elevar a um novo patamar o relacionamento entre Angola e a União Europeia, através do aprofundamento do diálogo político e da cooperação bilateral em áreas de interesse comum, reconhecendo o papel crescente de Angola no plano regional e internacional e a importância do reforço do relacionamento bilateral. A intensificação do diálogo e da cooperação entre Angola e a União Europeia abrange diversas áreas, nomeadamente as questões de paz e segurança, crescimento económico e desenvolvimento sustentável, boa governação e direitos humanos, energia, transportes, ambiente, ciência e tecnologia, e educação.» (European Union - Delegation to the Republic of Angola, 23.07.2012).

sábado, 28 de julho de 2012

GUINGUINBALI - Portal espanhol de comunicação, especializado em assuntos da África Ocidental e Macaronesia

Portal espanhol de comunicação, especializado em assuntos da África Ocidental e Macaronesia



Maputo Adapting Sanitation Systems to Climate Change

Maputo Adapting Sanitation Systems to Climate Change

«On the 10 July 2012, Lucinda Fairhurst, Manager: Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, headed up a team of consultants and researchers to carry out a consultative participatory workshop with key stakeholders representing researchers from climate and disaster risk focus areas at the ‘Universidad Eduardo Mondlane’, Maputo. Municipal decision makers, community based organisations and various ministries in Mozambique were also involved. The workshop’s focus was to take previous participatory engagements within the City of Maputo forward, in efforts to identify and develop locally appropriate adaptation actions and strategies. The workshop was also used as a platform to further demonstrate the use of the ‘African City Adapt Tool’, which is due to be launched and will go live on the internet early in August 2012.(...)» (ICLEI-Africa, 11.07.2012)

sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2012

Nova Centralidade do Dundo (Angola) - Cidade Dos Santos

«Nova Cidade Dos Santos homenageia Presidente José Eduardo dos Santos - Membros do Conselho Provincial de Auscultação e Concertação Social da província da Lunda-Norte decidiram atribuir à nova centralidade do município do Dundo, a designação de cidade Dos Santos.» (Jornal de Angola, 13.07.2012)

(Fotos: Angop)

Características gerais da nova cidade Dos Santos:

Cerca de 20 mil apartamentos, numa empreitada dividida em quatro fases. Plano implementado pela empresa chinesa PAN China, sob fiscalização da TPF.

1ª fase de execução do plano da nova centralidade / nova cidade (início em 2009 e conclusão em Setembro 2012):

419 edifícios e 5400 apartamentos, edifícios públicos, hospital com capacidade para 92 camas, escola com 30 salas e jardim infantil com 24. Edifícios de 5 pisos compostos por apartamentos T5, com 150 metros quadrados, e T4 com 140 metros quadrados.Cerca de 30 000 habitantes, maioria jovens. O trabalho envolve 2.375 chineses e cerca de 1.900 angolanos

terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012

African Studies Virtual Special Issue: Feminism & Gender in South Africa

Nº virtual sobre Feminismo & Género na África do Sul da Revista AFRICAN STUDIES
artigos com acesso livre até 31.12.2012

Issues surrounding feminism and the complexities of gender in South Africa continue to be discussed and so these topics have been chosen for the Virtual Special Issue to help you with your reading, research and understanding. The articles have been selected from recent and past issues of African Studies to provide a general overview of the changes that have occured in South Africa in past decades until the present. There are FREE access articles and also further reading articles.

South Korea to help plan south Sudan's new capital

«South Korea is trying to form closer ties with resource-rich African nations through various aid and infrastructure development projects. South Korea's state-run land developer said it signed a preliminary deal on Thursday to help southern Sudan build a new capital in what will be the world's newest country. Under the agreement with the government of southern Sudan, LH Corp said it would offer the African country technical support to draw up a master plan. Southern Sudan's government, currently based in the southern city of Juba, is considering development of the new capital in line with its new status as an independent state. LH Corp will help the national development of southern Sudan by offering expertise accumulated over the last 50 years.» (Source:, 16.06.2011)

quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

"Ilha do Príncipe" - São Tomé e Príncipe: incluída na lista da Rede Mundial de Reservas da Bioesfera da UNESCO

"Ilha do Príncipe" em São Tomé e Príncipe: incluído na lista de Reservas da Bioesfera da UNESCO
«The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) today added 20 new sites to its global list of biosphere reserves, bringing the total to 599 in 117 countries.The International Coordinating Council of UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB), meeting in Paris, France, added sites in Haiti, Kazakhstan and Sao Tome and Principe for the first time to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Biosphere reserves are places recognized by MAB where local communities are actively involved in governance and management, research, education, training and monitoring at the service of both socio-economic development and biodiversity conservation.They are "sites for experimenting with and learning about sustainable development"» (UNESCO, 11.07.2012)

«The Island of Príncipe, Sao Tome and Principe, is the country’s first Biosphere Reserve. It is the oldest of three oceanic volcanic islands in the Gulf of Guinea. The area includes the entire emerged area of the island of Príncipe, its islets and Tinhosas islands. It is home to great biodiversity in terrestrial as well as in marine ecosystems, and is an important place for the reproduction of sea turtles, seabirds and cetaceans. The main economic activities are agriculture, fishing and tourism. It can be considered as a model for promoting integrated eco-tourism development in similar islands and may serve as the basis for a larger marine and terrestrial buffer zone.» (UNESCO, 11.07.2012)

quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012

Outcome of the Conference - The future we want


«183. While we acknowledge that some progress has been made towards the fulfilment of international commitments related to Africa’s development needs, we emphasize that significant challenges remain in achieving sustainable development on the continent.
184. We call on the international community to enhance support and fulfil commitments to advance action in areas critical to Africa’s sustainable development and welcome the efforts by development partners to strengthen cooperation with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development. We also welcome the progress made by African countries in deepening democracy, human rights, good governance and sound economic management, and encourage African countries to continue their efforts in this regard. We invite all Africa’s development partners, in particular developed countries, to support African countries in strengthening human capacities and democratic institutions, consistent with their priorities and objectives, with a view to furthering Africa’s development at all levels, including through facilitating the transfer of technology needed by African countries as mutually agreed. We recognize the continued efforts by African countries to create enabling environments for inclusive growth in support of sustainable development and for the international community to make continued efforts to increase the flow of new and additional resources for financing for development from all sources, public and private, domestic and foreign, to support these development efforts by African countries, and welcome the various important initiatives established between African countries and their development partners in this regard.» pp. 34-35.

segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2012

domingo, 1 de julho de 2012

quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2012

quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012

Angola - 10 Anos de Paz. Conquistas e Desafios.

ORBIS The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World

África (Norte) no Mundo Romano

«Spanning one-ninth of the earth's circumference across three continents, the Roman Empire ruled a quarter of humanity through complex networks of political power, military domination and economic exchange. These extensive connections were sustained by premodern transportation and communication technologies that relied on energy generated by human and animal bodies, winds, and currents.
Conventional maps that represent this world as it appears from space signally fail to capture the severe environmental constraints that governed the flows of people, goods and information. Cost, rather than distance, is the principal determinant of connectivity.
 For the first time, ORBIS allows us to express Roman communication costs in terms of both time and expense. By simulating movement along the principal routes of the Roman road network, the main navigable rivers, and hundreds of sea routes in the Mediterranean, Black Sea and coastal Atlantic, this interactive model reconstructs the duration and financial cost of travel in antiquity.
 Taking account of seasonal variation and accommodating a wide range of modes and means of transport, ORBIS reveals the true shape of the Roman world and provides a unique resource for our understanding of premodern history.»

segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2012

Seminário Económico Portugal - Cabo Verde

Seminário Económico PORTUGAL – CABO VERDE
Orgtanização: AIP-Câmara de Comércio e Indústria, a AICEP Portugal Global e a AIP – Feiras, Congressos e Eventos

12 de Junho, 10h00
Centro de Congressos de Lisboa – Auditório II (Praça das Indústrias, à Junqueira, Lisboa)

Reflectir Cabo Verde e a sua relação com o Mundo - Lisboa 9 Junho 2012

Local: edifício da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa
A participação e entrada no evento é livre não estando prevista
a realização de pré-inscrições. Começa às 9h30 e termina às 18h.


Eleições Autárquicas de Cabo Verde - 1 Julho 2012

Eleições Autárquicas em Cabo Verde - 1 de Julho de 2012 (6ª eleição)
Concorrem quatro forças políticas:
- Partido Africano da Independência de Cabo Verde (PAICV)
- Movimento para a Democracia (MpD)
- União Cabo-Verdiana Independente e Democráica (UCID)
- Partido do Trabalho e Solidariedade (PTS)
- Grupos de cidadãos independentes

sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012

Angola - Censo da População e da Habitação 2013

Angola -  Censo da População e da Habitação 2013

«O Recenseamento da População e Habitação é a realização de dois recenseamentos em simultâneo, população e habitação. A realização do próximo Censo permitirá assim, de forma inegável, a obtenção de informação estatística fiável e actualizada, necessária ao acompanhamento e avaliação da estratégia de combate a pobreza, bem como à produção de indicadores que permitam avaliar os progressos realizados no âmbito dos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM).»