sábado, 30 de novembro de 2019

Le Budget Participatif. Un outil d'accélération de la décentralisation au Cameroun

François Mgbatou (2019). Le Budget Participatif. Un outil d'accélération de la décentralisation au Cameroun. Paris: Harmattan, 322 pages (ISBN : 978-2-343-18520-0).

terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2019

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), Volume 9, Issue 1, January - April 2020

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)

Volume 9, Issue 1,  January - April 2020
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 2160-9918; EISSN: 2160-9926;
Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA

Editor-in-Chief: Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Carlos Nunes Silva

Huaxiong Jiang, Stan Geertman, Patrick Witte

Raul Machado, António Azevedo 

Xiyuan Ren, De Wang

Wenjing Luo, Haijun Li, Han Zou 


Carlos Nunes Silva

terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2019

IGU Thematic Conference 2020

 IGU Thematic Conference 2020

"Heritage Geographies: Politics, Uses and Governance of the Past"

IGU Thematic Conference

Venue: Lecce (Italy) – Castello Carlo V (plenary) - University of Salento (various locations) Time: May 29-31, 2020 + Post conference excursion (31 May – 2 June)

Conference website: http://www.heritagegeographies.it/

segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2019




Istanbul, Turkey, 17-21 August 2020

Congress website: http://www.igc2020.org/en/ 

IGU Commission on Geography of Governance - Sessions


quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2019

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), Volume 8, Issue 4, October - December 2019

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)
Volume 8, Issue 4,  October - December 2019
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 2160-9918; EISSN: 2160-9926;
Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Carlos Nunes Silva 


Andrew Mondschein, Zihao Zhang, Mona El Khafif 

Maria Panagiotopoulou, Margarita Kokla, Anastasia Stratigea 

Gwendoline l'Her, Myriam Servières, Daniel Siret 

Ouahiba Belhocine, Kahina Amal Djiar, Meriem Lagati
Carlos Nunes Silva

quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2019

Planeamento Urbano em África 2019-2020

Universidade de Lisboa
Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território
Ano letivo 2019-2020
Unidade curricular (opção)

sábado, 15 de junho de 2019


 Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Lisbon
 Lisbon - Portugal,  6 - 7 April 2020
 Conference e-mail: ijepr.conference@gmail.com

quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2019

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), Volume 8, Issue 3, July - September 2019

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)
Volume 8, Issue 3, July - September 2019
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 2160-9918; EISSN: 2160-9926;
Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA

Editor-in-Chief: Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)


Modelling Urban Environments, Transdisciplinary Inquiry, Participation Tools, and Information Security in Urban E-Planning
Carlos Nunes Silva


Modelling Urban Environments to Promote Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity: Case of Stockholm (pages 1-12)
Anna Kaczorowska, Meta Berghauser Pont 

A Transdisciplinary Inquiry Into Sustainable Automobility Transitions: The Case of an Urban Enclave in Cape Town (pages 13-37)
Elizabeth Henshilwood, Mark Swilling, Marjorie L. Naidoo 

Guiding Informed Choices on Participation Tools in Spatial Planning: An E-Decision Support System (pages 38-61)
Giorgos Somarakis, Anastasia Stratigea 

Raising Information Security Awareness in the Field of Urban and Regional Planning (pages 62-86)
Margit Christa Scholl 


United Nations E-Government Survey 2018: Gearing E-Government to Support Transformation Towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies
Carlos Nunes Silva

International Conference ‘Fifty Years of Local Governance', IGU Commission Geography of Governance, University of Lisbon, Portugal, September 4 - 6 2018
Carlos Nunes Silva

quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2019

Guide Pratique du Maire et des Conseillers Communaux et Régionaux

Alhassane Conde (2019). Guide Pratique du Maire et des Conseillers
Communaux et Régionaux. Paris: Harmattan.

segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2019

Gouverner le Désordre Urbain

Janvier Onana (2019). Gouverner le Désordre Urbain. Sortir de la tragique impuissance de la puissance publique au Cameroun. Paris: Harmattan

terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2019

62nd Annual Meeting of the ASA

62nd Annual Meeting of the ASA
November 21 – 23, 2019
Boston Marriott Copley Place

domingo, 10 de março de 2019

4ª Conferência Internacional "Urban e-Planning"

4ª Conferência Internacional "Urban e-Planning"

O planeamento urbano tem sido confrontado, nas últimas décadas, com desafios novos e complexos, em parte decorrentes do uso generalizado das tecnologias de informação e comunicação em todas as fases do processo de planeamento e gestão do território. As Conferências 'Urban e-Planning', promovidas pela revista 'International Journal of E-Planning Research' (IJEPR), são um fórum onde são apresentados e discutidos anualmente os desenvolvimentos recentes na investigação realizada no domínio do e-planeamento urbano. As três conferências anteriores foram organizadas pelo Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade de Lisboa e pela revista IJEPR, em 2016, 2017, e em 2018, na Universidade de Lisboa, com participantes oriundos de mais de 20 países.  

A quarta conferência, a realizar em 23 e 24 de Abril de 2019, no Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade de Lisboa, abordará 4 temas:  

Tema 1: Governance and Planning of Smart Cities

Tema 2: Citizens e-Participation in Urban Planning

Tema 3: The Real and Virtual in Urban e-Planning

Tema 4: Data Analytics and New Decision Support Tools for Urban e-Planning

E-mail: ijepr.conference@gmail.com

quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2019

Exhibition Colonizing Africa

Exhibition Colonizing Africa
Reports on Colonial Public Works in Angola and Mozambique (1875-1975) 
Sessions on Saturday (2 March - 13 April) 


sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2019

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), Volume 8, Issue 2, April - June 2019

Editorial: Policy Games, Smart Cities, Participatory e-Planning, and Civic Crowdfunding
Carlos Nunes Silva
Article 1
Mapping Game Mechanics for Learning in a Serious Game for the Energy Transition (pages 1-23)
Cristina Ampatzidou, Katharina Gugerell
Article 2
From Smart-Cities to Smart-Communities: How Can We Evaluate the Impacts of Innovation and Inclusive Processes in Urban Context? (pages 24-44)
Francesca De Filippi, Cristina Coscia, Roberta Guido
Article 3
The Use of Geo-Questionnaire in Spatial Planning: Experience From Poland (pages 45-67)
Edyta Bąkowska-Waldmann, Tomasz Kaczmarek
Article 4 (Open Access)
Participatory E-Planning With Civic Crowdfunding: Donor Background, Involvement, and Social Capital Outcomes (pages 68-87)
Robert Goodspeed
Book Review
Insurgencies and Revolutions
Carlos Nunes Silva

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2019

Conferência Internacional - Governança Local e Urbana: Tendências, Desafios e Inovações num Mundo Globalizado

Conferência Internacional 

Governança Local e Urbana: Tendências, Desafios

e Inovações num Mundo Globalizado 

União Geográfica Internacional

Comissão de Geografia da Governança
4 a 7 de setembro de 2019

Cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde 

A Conferência Internacional sobre Governança Local e Urbana: tendências, desafios e inovações num mundo globalizado, organizada  pela Comissão de Geografia da Governança da União Geográfica Internacional (UGI), em colaboração com a Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNI-CV), será realizada na Cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde, de 4 a 7 de setembro de 2019. 

A Conferência pretende explorar e discutir as mudanças, desafios e inovações que confrontam a Governança Local e Urbana no contexto das novas agendas urbanas globais. Será um fórum para a discussão do estado da arte da pesquisa sobre governança local e urbana, nas diferentes regiões do mundo.

Dentro deste objetivo geral, a Conferência Anual de 2019 da Comissão de Geografia da Governança Local da UGI também visa proporcionar a oportunidade de comparações entre os municípios africanos e as cidades africanas, bem como comparações com outras regiões do mundo. 

Para mais informações, visite o site da conferência: https://sites.google.com/view/geogov2019/home

quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2019

La Décentralisation en Afrique au Début du Xxie Siècle. Réflexions à partir de l'expérience congolaise récente

Jules Mapatano (2019). La Décentralisation en Afrique au Début du Xxie Siècle. Réflexions à partir de l'expérience congolaise récente. Paris: L'Harmattan, 280 pages (ISBN : 978-2-343-15578-4 ) 

Plus de dix ans après la relance de la décentralisation en République Démocratique du Congo le besoin d'en faire l'état des lieux s'impose. Cet ouvrage interroge ainsi la décentralisation congolaise à la lumière de ces expériences africaines plus anciennes pour en tirer des leçons pour l'action et la recherche. Il s'adresse à un large public intéressé par les problèmes politiques et administratifs des pays en développement et notamment en Afrique.

quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2019

Cities of the Lusophone World. Literature, Culture and Urban Transformations

Doris Wieser and Ana Filipa Prata (eds.). (2019).  Cities of the Lusophone World. Literature, Culture and Urban Transformations. Oxford and New York: Peter Lang (ISBN: 978-1-78874-253-5)
Cities of the Lusophone World addresses diverse literary and cultural representations of urban settings produced in the period from the 1960s to the present day and originating from the Island of Mozambique, Lisbon, Luanda, Macau, Maputo, Porto Alegre and São Paulo. The volume contributes to the interdisciplinary research field of urban cultural studies, which lies at the crossroads between the social sciences and the humanities. The essays gathered here consider the city not only as a geographical configuration, but also as a historical discourse where space and time merge and where different individual and collective practices and actions take place. They explore how memories and identities are framed, how people at the margins create discourses of resistance, and how processes of migration and urban transformation disrupt established social and cultural borders.


segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2019

The Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa

Patrick Brandful Cobbinah & Michael Addaney  (2019). The Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 

This book take a comprehensive look at several cases of climate change adaptation responses across various sectors and geographical areas in urban Africa and places them within a solid theoretical context. Each chapter is a state-of-the-art overview of a significant topic on climate change adaptation in urban Africa and is written by a leading expert in the field. In addition to the focus on the geography of urban adaptation to climate in Africa, this collection offers a broader perspective by blending the use of case studies and theory based research. It examines transformations in climate change adaptation in urban Africa and its future orientation from the perspectives of urban planners, political economists, environmentalists, ecologists, economists and geographers, thereby addressing the challenges facing African cities adaptation responses from all angles. Providing up-to-date and authoritative contributions covering the key aspects of climate change adaptation in urban Africa, this book will be of great interest to policymakers, practitioners, scholars and students of geography, urban development and management, environmental science and policy, disaster management, as well as those in the field of urban planning.

domingo, 20 de janeiro de 2019

MALABO. ciudad y arquitectura

Laida Memba Ikuga y Montserrat Villaverde Rey (2018). MALABO. ciudad y arquitectura -

«colección de catálogos sintéticos sobre el patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano de Guinea Ecuatorial. Esta publicación tiene como objetivo difundir los valores patrimoniales y de memoria histórica de la ciudad de Malabo, así como revalorizar el centro histórico, con el propósito de establecer las bases de conocimiento para su preservación y declaración como Patrimonio Nacional. 

La edición ha ido a cargo de sus autoras: Laida Memba Ikuga y Montserrat Villaverde Rey y han colaborado Ramón Cotarelo, Pep Parer, Letizia Dipasquale, Miquel Vilaró, Ignasi de Juan-Creix i Bretón, Jesús Bermúdez, Juan López-Cepero Benítez, Deiane Fernández, José Ubenga Makondy, Kofi Yakpo y Rubén Monsuy Ndong Andemen.

Patrimonio Guinea 2020 es un proyecto dirigido por Laida Memba y Montserrat Villaverde con la colaboración de un equipo de expertos internacionales. Tiene como objetivo fundamental fomentar la visibilidad y conocimiento de la arquitectura, la ciudad y el territorio, como base del crecimiento sostenible del país. El proyecto integra y articula estrategias de investigación, conocimiento y difusión, considerando el patrimonio construido como un capital cultural para la población ecuatoguineana.» (Source:  http://www.patrimonioguinea2020.com/)

segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2019

Addis-Abeba (Ethiopie). Construction d'une nouvelle capitale pour une ancienne nation souveraine

Serge Dewel (2018). Addis-Abeba (Ethiopie). Construction d'une nouvelle capitale pour une ancienne nation souveraine. Tome 1 (1886-1936) & Tome 2 (1936-2016). Paris: L'Harmattan, 230 pp. 

Devenue la capitale permanente de l'Éthiopie vers 1900, Addis-Abeba a vu son rôle reconfirmé par l'occupant italien en 1936, lors de la fondation de l'Africa Orientale Italiana, puis à nouveau en 1941, après la Libération. Dans sa volonté de reconnaissance de la souveraineté nationale, la ville fut à nouveau mise en scène, architecturalement et monumentalement, en référence à l'histoire éthiopienne, comme le mythe fondateur du Kebrä Nägäst et le royaume antique d'Aksum. Faisant suite au premier tome, cet ouvrage s'attache à comprendre la construction de la ville depuis l'occupation italienne jusqu'au XXIe siècle, constituant la première somme publiée consacrée à la capitale éthiopienne.

domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2019

Spatial Planning in Ghana. Origins, Contemporary Reforms and Practices, and New Perspectives

Acheampong, Ransford A. (2019). Spatial Planning in Ghana. Origins, Contemporary Reforms and Practices, and New Perspectives. Springer 

Description: This book documents and analyses spatial planning in Ghana, providing a comprehensive and critical discussion of the evolving institutional and legal arrangements that have shaped and defined Ghana’s spatial planning system for more than seven decades; the contemporary policy instruments and mechanisms for articulating and implementing policies and proposals at multiple scales; and the formally established procedures for development management. It covers important themes in contemporary spatial planning discourse, including the evolving meaning, scope and purpose of spatial planning globally; the scales of spatial planning (i.e. national, regional, sub-regional and local); multi-level integration within spatial planning; public participation; the interface between urbanization, sustainable growth management and spatial planning; spatial planning and housing development; integrated spatial development and transportation planning; and spatial planning and the urban informal economy. Intended for undergraduate and graduate students, and academic researchers and practitioners/policy-makers in the multidisciplinary field of spatial planning, it appeals to readers seeking an international perspective on spatial planning systems and practices.